Our Supports Coordinators and Assist Team have diverse educational and professional backgrounds; however they all share one similar trait: a desire to help others. They’ve established themselves as vital members of not only Achieving A Better Life, but in the disability rights movement at-large. Helping individuals overcome challenging situations and advocating for their rights is the most fulfilling aspect of their job and what ultimately led them to Achieving A Better Life. Our team is always looking for alternative resources and opportunities for those on their caseloads to engage with their community, consistently going above and beyond to help those in need.

We approve our own plans, this allows us to provide quicker and more efficient access to services/supports for our clients. We are a Statewide agency providing Support Coordination Services in all counties.

Lead Support Coordinator

Loraine Morris

Ph: (609) 568-0525

Em: lmorris@achievingabetterlifellc.com

Support Coordinator

Ashley Rosado

Ph: (856)-362-4878 

Em: arosado@achievingabetterlifellc.com

Phone Support Coordinator

Joel Perez

Em: jperez@achievingabetterlifellc.com

Ph: (856) 676-6463